On the government procedure : You can click here as a sample:
Please take into account EIA from DOE
I like to thank MQA Tech and Topmine for their expertise and assistance for their inputs.
What I'm going to focus is on the typical capabilities and what the authorities are really looking for. Here's a sample :
On the company :
What is the typical process involved in iron ore? Here are some hints :
i. The company can conduct mining prospects for their customers, and undertake the appropriate development stages to bring mines into operation:
Exploration, Feasibility studies, Design and construction, Project management, Mine planning and scheduling, Infrastructure and mine-site establishment, Pre-stripping
ii. The company must have resources and expertise for each step of the mining production cycle:
Drilling and blasting, Excavation, Loading and hauling, De-watering, Ground support, Mobile plant operation and maintenance
iii. The company is experienced in the design, construction, project management and operation of processing plant and transport infrastructure at each activity level:
Washing, Crushing and screening, Blending, Concentrating, Process plant operation and maintenance, Sampling and product analysis, Ship loading
iv. The company are well connected to a worldwide network of buyers, in most typical Asian cases - major Chinese commodity consumers, and we provide shipping logistic requirement to deliver products to their final destinations.
Logistic services, Shipping chartering, Port authority approvals, Marketing
Environmental and Safety Measures
As a corporate responsible citizen, the mining operation shall adopt adequate pollution control and safety measures in running the mine according to International Standards and Codes of Practice i.e.EMS 14000 and OHSAS 18000 etc. The following is a typical practice :
Impact Related to Mining Operation
The most significant environment issues related to any mining project are found to be related to mine effluent water discharge into the nearby river. However, with the implementation of sufficient tailing pond systems it is envisaged that the mine effluent water will not be a problem to the environment.
Water quality monitory scheme will determine whether the proposed remedial measures are effective in controlling the environmental issues.
Upgrading and Maintenance of Access Road
Regular maintenance includes patching up potholes, minor grading and further resurfacing shall be undertaken for the access/haulage road on a regular basis. This includes sprinkling of water reduce dust emission. A washing bay system will also be implemented to clean lorries before they leave the mine site.
Waste Disposal
The proposed mining scheme shall employ an environmental friendly waste disposal system. The waste disposal system will be described in the following sections.
Solid Waste Disposal
Solid wastes are not expected to cause any major problems. Wastes generated are basically garbage from the office. Scraps from the operation will be collected and sold to scrap dealers.
Pollution Control
Comprehensive measures will be adopted to control and minimize dust emissions:·
Noise Control
Generators with compressors will be housed with noise shields and air compressors within enclosed buildings. Proper maintenance of the vehicles will also reduce noise pollution. Screening of the site with earth bunds help to reduce noise generation and dust.
Rehabilitation and Abandonment
Planned and orderly removal and disposal of various plants, structures, and facilities shall be required under the unforeseen event of abandonment.
Necessary restoration or rehabilitation plans for any Project site after the cessation of Project operation are also essential.
Rehabilitation plan will be carried out progressively to the allowable extent that will not hinder the mining operation. Small part of the mined out are will be filled and levelled to its original ground condition and shrub plants and tree seedlings will be planted on the levelled area. Any project in short term in nature, which means the treatment plant shall be dismantled and transported out of the project area after the iron ore reserves has been exhausted. Based on experience, the total environmental disturbance caused by any project is minimal, and decreases as the areas concerned are returned to its natural form.
The disturbed area shall be cleared and cleaned from all debris and waste products. The balance reduced material shall be disposed off at a safe and approved dump area.
Remedial measures in the form of restoration and rehabilitation of the area are indeed necessary to be initiated in order to prepare the area for future use. Incorporation of these measures into the planning of the mine developments is therefore vital. The mine management has therefore planned to incorporate the element of reclamation and restoration process into their overall long-term plan of the mine. In short, the restoration is being carried out progressively and concurrently with the mining operation itself. As rehabilitation works are to be carried out in a progressive manner in tandem with the ongoing mining operation. Major part of rehabilitation costs will be absorbed by the mine operation costs.
MS ISO 2597-1 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of total iron content - Part 1: Titrimetric method after tin(II) chloride reduction. This Malaysian Standard specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of the total iron content of iron ores using potassium dichromate after reduction of the trivalent iron by tin(II) chloride.
MS ISO 7764 : 2002 - Iron ores - Preparation of predried test samples for chemical analysis. This Malaysian Standard specifies a method for the preparation of predried test samples of natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products, which are to be used for the determination of analytical values of constituents on a dry basis.
MS ISO 9035 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of acid-soluble iron(II) content - Titrimetric method. This Malaysian Standard specifies a method for the determination of iron(II) content in natural and processed iron ores containing from 1 % to 25 % acid-soluble iron(II) and only traces of metallic iron.
MS ISO 2596 : 2003 Iron ores - Determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples - Gravimetric and Karl Fisher methods. This Malaysian Standard specifies the following two methods for the determination of 0.05 % (m/m) to 6 % (m/m) of hygroscopic moisture content in test samples of natural or processed iron ores:
- Method 1 - Gravimetric method;
- Method 2 - Karl Fischer method.
Either method 1 or method 2 is used where the analytical value of the constituent to be calculated to a dry sample basis is higher than 10 % (m/m) in the following types of ores:
a) processed ores containing metallic iron (direct reduced iron);
b) natural or processed ores in which the sulfur content is higher than 0.2 % (m/m);
c) natural or processed ores in which the content of combined water is higher than 2.5 % (m/m).
The result from the determination of hygroscopic moisture using this Malaysian Standard is not reported as part of the analysis of an ore sample.
1. Where the reportable hygroscopic moisture content of a commercial consignment of ores is required, the procedure in ISO 3087:1987, Iron ores-Determination of moisture content of a consignment is used.
2. With natural or processed ores outside the field of application specified in a) or b) or c), a determination of a constituent at any level of concentration can be conducted using a predried test sample prepared as specified in ISO 7764:1985, Iron ores-Preparation of predried test samples for chemical analysis.
MS ISO 2598-1 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of silicon content - Part 1: Gravimetric methods. This Malaysian Standard specifies two gravimetric methods for the determination of the silicon content of iron ores. These methods are applicable, with certain limitations, to silicon contents between 1% (m/m) and 15% (m/m) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products.
MS ISO 2598-2 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of silicon content - Part 2: Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method. This Malaysian Standard specifies a reduced molybdosilicate spectrophorometric method for the determination of the silicon content of iron ores. This method is applicable to silicon contents between 0.1% (m/m) and 5.0% (m/m) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products, especially for ores containing fluorine.
MS ISO 2599 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of phosphorus content – Titrimetric method. This standard specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of phosphorus content of iron ores, using hexaammonium heptamolybdate (ammonium molybdate). This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.10 to 5.0% (m/m) of phosphorus in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 3082 : 2002 - Iron ores - Sampling and sample preparation procedures. This Malaysian Standard gives:
a) the underlying theory,
b) the basic principles for sampling and preparation of samples,
c) the basic requirements for the design, installation and operation of sampling systems for mechanical sampling, manual sampling and preparation of samples taken from a lot under transfer to determine the chemical composition, moisture content and size distribution of the lot. Sampling and sample preparation procedures for physical testing are specified in ISO 10836.
MS ISO 3084 : 2002 : Iron ores - Experimental methods for evaluation of quality. This Malaysian Standard specifies experimental methods for the evaluation of quality variation of iron ores for each type of iron ore being traded and for each handling plant. Two distinct approaches are specified. The first is to analyse interleaved samples composed of a number of paired increments taken and combined alternately following stratified sampling or systematic sampling as specified in ISO 3082. The second is to collect and analyse individual increments and then to analyse the data using variograhic methods.
MS ISO 3085 : 2002 : Iron ores - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling. This Malaysian Standard specifies experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling of iron ores being carried out in accordance with the methods specified in ISO 3081 or ISO 3082.
MS ISO 3086 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of the moisture content of a lot. This Malaysian Standard specifies experimental methods for checking the bias of the sampling of iron ores, when the sampling is carried out in accordance with the methods specified in MS ISO 3081 or MS ISO 3082, having as reference a stopped-belt sampling method according to MS ISO 3081.
MS ISO 3087 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of bulk density. This Malaysian Standard specifies two methods for measuring the bulk density of natural and processed iron ores.
Method 1 is applicable to iron ores having a maximum particle size of 40 mm or smaller.
Method 2 is applicable to iron ores having any maximum particle size.
MS ISO 3886 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of manganese content – Periodate spectrophotometric method. This standard specifies a spectrophotometric method for the determination of manganese content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.02 to 8.0% (m/m) of manganese in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 4687-1 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of phosphorus content – Part 1 : Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method. This standard specifies a molybdenum blue spectrophotomettric method for the determination of phosphorus content of iron ores. This method is applicable to phosphorus content between 0.003 to 2.0% (m/m) in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products. The presence of arsenic, barium or titanium does not affect the result.
MS ISO 4688-1 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of aluminium content – Part 1 : Flame atomic spectrometric method. This standard specifies a flame atomic spectrometric method for the determination of aluminium content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.1 to 5.0% (m/m) aluminium in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 4689 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of sulfur content – Barium sulfate gravimetric method
This standard specifies a barium sulfate gravimetric method for the determination of sulfur content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.01 to 1.0% (m/m) sulfur in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 4690 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of sulfur content – Combustion method - This standard specifies a combustion method for the determination of sulfur content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.002 to 0.25% (m/m) sulfur in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products. The results are not affected by the presence of fluoride.
MS ISO 4691 : 2004 - Iron ores - Determination of titanium content – Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method. This standard specifies a spectrophotometric method using diantipyrylmethane for the determination of titanium content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.01 to 6.0% (m/m) of titanium in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 4693 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of copper content – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method. This standard specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of copper content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration of 0.003 to 1.0% (m/m) of copper in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 4701 : 2002 - Iron ores - Determination of size distribution by sieving. This Malaysian Standard specifies the methods to be employed for determination of size distributions by sieving of iron ore, utilizing sieves having aperture sizes of 36 mm or larger.
MS ISO 6467 : 2004 - Ferrovanadium - Determination of vanadium content - Potentiometric method. This standard specifies a potentiometric method for the determionation of vanadium content for ferrovanadium. The method applies to alloys having a vanadium content less than or equal to 85 % (m/m).
MS ISO 6830 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of aluminium content – EDTA titrimetic method
This standard specifies a titrimetric method using EDTA for the determination of aluminium content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.25 to 5.0% (m/m) aluminium in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 7834 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of arsenic content – Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method. This standard specifies a molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic content in iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.0001 to 0.1% (m/m) of arsenic in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 9516-1 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of various elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry – Part 1 : Comprehensive procedure
This standard sets out a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorencence procedure for the determination of iron, silicon, calcium, manganese, aluminium, titanium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, pottasium, tin, vanadium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, lead and barium in iron ores. The method has been designed to cope with iron ores having high ignition losses. The method is applicable to iron ores regardless of mineralogical type. The determination of total iron content cannot be used for referee purposes.
MS ISO 9682-1 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of manganese content – Flame atomic absorption method. This standard specifies a flame atomic absorption method for the determination of manganese content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.01 to 3.0% (m/m) of manganese in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 11534 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of tin content – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method. This standard specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of tin content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0.001 to 0.015% (m/m) tin in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products
MS ISO 13310 : 2004 - Iron ores – Determination of zinc content – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method. This standard specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of zinc content of iron ores. This method is applicable to a concentration of 0.003 to 1.0% (m/m) of zinc in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
MS ISO 15967 : 2004 - Direct reduced iron - Determination of tumble strength of hot iron briquetted iron (HBI) This standard specifies a method for the determination of the tumble strength of hot briquetted (HBI).
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Kelantanese, Alumni of Sultan Ismail College Kelantan (SICA), IT Competency Cert, Certified Written English Professional US. Has participated in many seminars/conferences (local/ international) in the capacity of trainer/lecturer and participant.
Affiliations :- Network Member of Gerson Lehrman Group, Institute of Quality Malaysia, Auditor ISO 9000 IRCAUK, Auditor OHSMS (SIRIM and STS) /EMS ISO 14000 and Construction Quality Assessment System CONQUAS, CIDB (Now BCA) Singapore),
* Possesses almost 30 years of experience/hands-on in the multi-modern management & technical disciplines (systems & methodologies) such as Knowledge Management (Hi-Impact Management/ICT Solutions), Quality (TQM/ISO), Safety Health Environment, Civil & Building (Construction), Manufacturing, Motivation & Team Building, HR, Marketing/Branding, Business Process Reengineering, Economy/Stock Market, Contracts/Project Management, Finance & Banking, etc. He was employed to international bluechips involving in national/international megaprojects such as Balfour Beatty Construction/Knight Piesold & Partners UK, MMI Insurance Group Australia, Hazama Corporation (Hazamagumi) Japan (with Mitsubishi Corporation, JA Jones US, MMCE and Ho-Hup) and Sunway Construction Berhad (The Sunway Group of Companies). Among major projects undertaken : Pergau Hydro Electric Project, KLCC Petronas Twin Towers, LRT Tunnelling, KLIA, Petronas Refineries Melaka, Putrajaya Government Complex, Sistem Lingkaran Lebuhraya Kajang (SILK), Mex Highway, KLIA1, KLIA2 etc. Once serviced SMPD Management Consultants as Associate Consultant cum Lecturer for Diploma in Management, Institute of Supervisory Management UK/SMPD JV. Currently – Associate/Visiting Consultants/Facilitators, Advisors for leading consulting firms (local and international) including project management. To name a few – Noma SWO Consult, Amiosh Resources, Timur West Consultant Sdn. Bhd., TIJ Consultants Group (Malaysia and Singapore) and many others.
* Ex-Resident Weekly Columnist of Utusan Malaysia (1995-1998) and have produced more than 100 articles related to ISO-9000– Management System and Documentation Models, TQM Strategic Management, Occupational Safety and Health (now OHSAS 18000) and Environmental Management Systems ISO 14000. His write-ups/experience has assisted many students/researchers alike in module developments based on competency or academics and completion of many theses. Once commended by the then Chief Secretary to the Government of Malaysia for his diligence in promoting and training the civil services (government sector) based on “Total Quality Management and Quality Management System ISO-9000 in Malaysian Civil Service – Paradigm Shift Scalar for Assessment System”
Among Nik Zafri’s clients : Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn. Bhd, (MRP II, Accounts/Credit Control) The HQ of Royal Customs and Excise Malaysia (ISO 9000), Veterinary Services Dept. Negeri Sembilan (ISO 9000), The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (Aspects of Project Management – KLCC construction), Corporate HQ of RHB (Peter Drucker's MBO/KRA), NEC Semiconductor - Klang Selangor (Productivity Management), Prime Minister’s Department Malaysia (ISO 9000), State Secretarial Office Negeri Sembilan (ISO 9000), Hidrological Department KL (ISO 9000), Asahi Kluang Johor(System Audit, Management/Supervisory Development), Tunku Mahmood (2) Primary School Kluang Johor (ISO 9000), Consortium PANZANA (HSSE 3rd Party Audit), Lecturer for Information Technology Training Centre (ITTC) – Authorised Training Center (ATC) – University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) Kluang Branch Johor, Kluang General Hospital Johor (Management/Supervision Development, Office Technology/Administration, ISO 9000 & Construction Management), Kahang Timur Secondary School Johor (ISO 9000), Sultan Abdul Jalil Secondary School Kluang Johor (Islamic Motivation and Team Building), Guocera Tiles Industries Kluang Johor (EMS ISO 14000), MNE Construction (M) Sdn. Bhd. Kota Tinggi Johor (ISO 9000 – Construction), UITM Shah Alam Selangor (Knowledge Management/Knowledge Based Economy /TQM), Telesystem Electronics/Digico Cable(ODM/OEM for Astro – ISO 9000), Sungai Long Industries Sdn. Bhd. (Bina Puri Group) - ISO 9000 Construction), Secura Security Printing Sdn. Bhd,(ISO 9000 – Security Printing) ROTOL AMS Bumi Sdn. Bhd & ROTOL Architectural Services Sdn. Bhd. (ROTOL Group) – ISO 9000 –Architecture, Bond M & E (KL) Sdn. Bhd. (ISO 9000 – Construction/M & E), Skyline Telco (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Knowledge Management),Technochase Sdn. Bhd JB (ISO 9000 – Construction), Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM – ISO 9000 & Internal Audit Refresher), Shinryo/Steamline Consortium (Petronas/OGP Power Co-Generation Plant Melaka – Construction Management and Safety, Health, Environment), Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Negotiation Skills), Association for Retired Intelligence Operatives of Malaysia (Cyber Security – Arpa/NSFUsenet, Cobit, Till, ISO/IEC ISMS 27000 for Law/Enforcement/Military), T.Yamaichi Corp. (M) Sdn. Bhd. (EMS ISO 14000) LSB Manufacturing Solutions Sdn. Bhd., (Lean Scoreboard (including a full development of System-Software-Application - MSC Malaysia & Six Sigma) PJZ Marine Services Sdn. Bhd., (Safety Management Systems and Internal Audit based on International Marine Organization Standards) UNITAR/UNTEC (Degree in Accountacy – Career Path/Roadmap) Cobrain Holdings Sdn. Bhd.(Managing Construction Safety & Health), Speaker for International Finance & Management Strategy (Closed Conference), Pembinaan Jaya Zira Sdn. Bhd. (ISO 9001:2008-Internal Audit for Construction Industry & Overview of version 2015), Straits Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. (Full Integrated Management System – ISO 9000, OHSAS 18000 (ISO 45000) and EMS ISO 14000 for Civil/Structural/Geotechnical Consulting), Malaysia Management & Science University (MSU – (Managing Business in an Organization), Innoseven Sdn. Bhd. (KVMRT Line 1 MSPR8 – Awareness and Internal Audit (Construction), ISO 9001:2008 and 2015 overview for the Construction Industry), Kemakmuran Sdn. Bhd. (KVMRT Line 1 - Signages/Wayfinding - Project Quality Plan and Construction Method Statement ), Lembaga Tabung Haji - Flood ERP, WNA Consultants - DID/JPS -Flood Risk Assessment and Management Plan - Prelim, Conceptual Design, Interim and Final Report etc., Tunnel Fire Safety - Fire Risk Assessment Report - Design Fire Scenario), Safety, Health and Environmental Management Plans leading construction/property companies/corporations in Malaysia, Timur West Consultant : Business Methodology and System, Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya ISMS/Audit/Risk/ITP Technical Team, MPDT Capital Berhad - ISO 9001: 2015 - Consultancy, Construction, Project Rehabilitation, Desalination (first one in Malaysia to receive certification on trades such as Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination and Project Recovery/Rehabilitation)
* Has appeared for 10 consecutive series in “Good Morning Malaysia RTM TV1’ Corporate Talk Segment discussing on ISO 9000/14000 in various industries. For ICT, his inputs garnered from his expertise have successfully led to development of work-process e-enabling systems in the environments of intranet, portal and interactive web design especially for the construction and manufacturing. Some of the end products have won various competitions of innovativeness, quality, continual-improvements and construction industry award at national level. He has also in advisory capacity – involved in development and moderation of websites, portals and e-profiles for mainly corporate and private sectors, public figures etc. He is also one of the recipients for MOSTE Innovation for RFID use in Electronic Toll Collection in Malaysia.
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