For ISO 9001:2008 Consultants Only
This sample has been tailored made for construction/building and civil engineering.
Segment One
Initial Assessment/ Evaluation (1) to predetermine: -
a. Scope of Registration & Application
b. Improvement of Existing Elements/Criterions if any
c. Additional Elements/ Criterions as necessary or permissible exclusion if any
Preparation and Presentation of findings to the Client.
(1)This is not an audit activity.
(1) Methods Used :-
Review documentation based on construction industry, sampling basis, conversation with related staff and observing consistency of physical activities at various places of work.
Segment Two
QMS ISO 9001:2008 Awareness Workshop - Theme : Managing Quality in Construction (2)
(2) (both general awareness and customized to client’s nature of industry, contract mode (Design & Build? Turnkey? Conventional?)
Workshop’s detailed report/ assessment to the Client.
(2) Solution-based – client will know the next course action after the training.
Client shall provide feedback forms and provide Certificates of Participation (which format will be forwarded by the consultant).
Typical Workshop Contents
Training Objectives, 8 Management Principles and 5 Main Clauses and interrelationships, Various Tools, Quality Cost etc. etc. + Application to Client’s industry
Segment Three
Assisting System Structuring(3), Quality Document Development and (4) Review
(3) Typical System Structuring (besides the remarks) usually involve consistency with the standard requirements (not limited to the following):
· QMS Workshop
· Customer-Focus – Communication & Survey.
· Resource Management including org. chart, JD, competency & TNA
· QMS Manual/Plan/Procedural/Method Statement and or Work Instructions/I & TP (Inspection & Test Plan), sequencing and format/numbering + records management (Forms & Checklists)
· Online Documentation Interface if Any
· Measurement of Department Objectives and Capturing and Analysis of Data
· Supervision/Inspection & Supplier/ Subcontractor Management/Assessment
· Effectiveness vs. Compliance, Plan-Do-Check-Act PDCA and Continual Improvement
Segment Four
Internal Quality Auditing Course(5)
(5) Among Critical Issues to be highlighted :-
a. Effectivess/Understanding vs. Compliance.
b. Traceability to the source.
c. Determining of Non-Conformance
d. Correction and Corrective Action (CA)
e. Preventive Action
f. Audit Scheduling and Reporting
h. Assessment vs Audit – Judgement vs. Evidence.
i. Auditors Conduct.
j. Inspection vs Audit
Workshop’s detailed report/ assessment to the Client.
(5) Based on IRCA’s and IQA’s modules.
Typically covering :-
Requirements of ISO 19011:2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
The last day shall be allocated for a ‘mock adequacy and compliance audit’ conducted by the client’s IQA team.
Client shall provide feedback forms and Certificates of Participation/ Successful Completion.
Segment Five
Monitoring Internal Quality Auditing Activities (IQA) (6)
Management Review Meeting (MRM) (7)
(7) If invited by the Client, Consultant may attend the MRM only as an observer. If otherwise, Consultant will need a copy of the MRM minutes to evaluate effectiveness and compliance.
In both cases, Consultant shall provide the MRM evaluation to the Client.
(6) Monitoring of NCR, CAR, Reporting, Follow Up, Verification.
(7) Monitoring MRM Inputs and Outputs including :
· IQA results
· Customer feedback
· Process performance and product conformity
· Status of preventive and corrective actions
· Changes affecting QMS
· Continual Improvement
· Resource Management
Segment Six
Independent Mock Adequacy and Compliance Audit(8)
Preparation and Presentation of findings to the Client.
(8) Full system audit – Verify adequacy of QMS documentation, data & records based on random plant and office activities, sampling basis, and interview related staff.
Despite Consultant may issue NCR(s) and CAR(s) but this audit shall not form part of the Client’s QMS and/or certification benchmarks.
Consultant’s NCR and CAR shall only be taken as independent opinions and as suggestions to further improve the client’s system.
Segment Seven
Assisting the Client on Certification Arrangements(9)
Final Briefing on Certification Audit(10)
(9) Coordinate with QMR on communication with certification body.
(10) DOs and DONTs during certification audit.
Consultant shall not be present during the adequacy/compliance audit (certification audit) but shall follow up on the results of such audit including NCR/CAR issued.
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